Bathroom Strategies for Special People

Designing a bathroom for the physically impaired is a challenge. That’s why here in YouPlumbing,
we take it our sense of duty to be learned and versed in this specialized need. With the right skill and the assortment for the right equipments, these difficulties can be overcome and reduced.

It is taken into account that physical impairment contrives an efficient system for limited mobility. This system must asses and accommodate the personal need.

Here are some few ways you can take note of:

Mild Impairments – strategic positions of grab rails in the shower or bath and toilet. Consider also
how slippery the floor can be.

Severe Physical Impairments – Install amenities depending on the specific need. This may vary in many ways and consult a specialist for recommendations.

Wheelchair-bound Individuals - Make sure the accessibility and the mobility inside the bathroom
are taken into top consideration. Make certain that essential products can be reached too.

Installing sturdy handrails might not be enough for some so take their feedback into account to
improve the situation. Raise one leg high to get into the tub to enter and exit with lesser difficulty.
Some struggles in bending down and standing up, something to deliberate if you have a tub.
Specially designed bathtubs provides therapeutic benefits and comfort without the need of
assistance. Here are some more tips you might have missed:

  • Low-level baths are 100mm lower than standard tubs. Combined with slip-free handrails,entering and exiting the tub can be safer and easier.
  • Some special bathtubs have a water-tight door that can be removed or replaced. Having this would not have to require the physically impaired to lift a leg.
  • Deep walk-in tubs can be considered, some even have built-in seating. The depth allows afull immersion even when seated. Some of these have therapeutic spa jets.
The major challenge in showers is maintaining balance entering and exiting the stall. A solution 
most builders and designers formulate is to mete out the shower enclosure all in all and turn the 
whole bathroom into a wet room. 

Wet rooms are lightweight and portable seating can be available when needed. Modifications for 
better assistance are movable shower head for a seated or stood up shower and reachable soap 
dishes for either of these positions.  A thermostatically controlled mixer taps can help those with 
impaired dexterity adjust the temperature. It is ideal for the wheelchair-bounded individuals.

Addition to the grab rails is an accessible lower sink and enough room to maneuver the wheelchair 
around the room.

We can consult together with a qualified physiotherapist to help you fine-tune the ideal bathroom 
for those specific needs. It will cost more but it’s worth it compared to the possibilities that may 

For more bathroom ideas, visit at or email at

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April 1, 2016 at 3:47 AM delete

This is awesome! I've been trying to do some bathroom renovation , and this gave me some great insight for things to try. Thanks for sharing!

bathroom renovation Brisbane
